Why is it beneficial

Spinal decompression therapy refers to the nonsurgical process of relieving back pain. It involves a series of gentle movements which are meant to stretch the spine while providing relief from the pain and tenderness using a traction table. Decompression therapy is generally considered a safe and effective procedure.

The treatment actually works because the gentle stretching creates a vacuum in the spinal area. Tis in turn helps to retract the bulging disk back to its original position thus relieving the pressure on the nerve. The whole session can stretch anywhere from four to six weeks. The results of the therapy might vary from one person to another. On the whole most patients report a positive outcome and find the pain lessened and manageable to quite an extent. Continued therapy might help get rid of the pain altogether.

While undergoing therapy the therapist would suggest you drink plenty of water to keep the body well hydrated. As a result of decompression nutrient rich fluids and oxygen diffuse into the space between the discs.

Who can benefit from spinal decompression therapy?

The following people can benefit from spinal decompression therapy:

  • Anyone who suffers from lower back pain or neck pain
  • Individuals who suffer pain in any other parts of the body can benefit from decompression therapy as well
  • However patients who suffer from broken bones, fractures, advanced osteoporosis and metal implants in the spine should not undergo decompression therapy.
  • Pregnant women are also not encouraged for decompression therapy

What to expect during decompression therapy

When you go for spinal decompression therapy, your therapist would take a detailed history and try to identify the root cause of the pain. If they feel that you are a likely candidate for the therapy they would suggest that you start the decompression sessions. It is important to attend each session when scheduled. This would encourage healing much faster.

Once the therapy starts the patients is asked to lie on a decompression table. The table is fixed at one position and is moveable at the edge. A harness is tied around the waist. You might either be asked to lie down face up or face down. The physician then administers different stretching moves using the controlled mechanism of the decompression table. Each session could last anywhere from twenty to forty minutes depending upon the severity of your condition. Also the sessions should be attend at all times and if unable to attend one session it should be rescheduled.

Patients who undergo traction therapy have noticed a marked improvement in their condition. For those who were facing difficulty while walking or problems in carrying out daily chores due to back ache saw a marked improvement in their condition. What should be kept in mind is that spinal decompression is a totally non-invasive procedure and doesn’t involve use of any medications. The holistic approach makes it a safe and effective method of relieving pain.

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