Eating a healthy and balanced diet is essential to good health. The best way to do so is making positive changes in your diet. Nutritionists strongly advise people to eat fresh produce as much and as often as they can. The different color of fruit and vegetable signifies the variety of nutrients present in each of those. When you eat a variety of natural produce throughout the year you are getting the right kind of nutrition. The following are healthy eating tips from nutritionists in Brisbane and Gold Coast.

  • Try to eat as many green leafy vegetables as you can. As children you must have often heard eat your greens. This is especially important in your adult life as well. All green leafy vegetables are rich in antioxidants. These are great illness fighting agent. Not only do they help keep you in shape because these are low calories but can be good for your digestive system as well.
  • Stock up on lentils. The benefits of eating a diet rich in lentil cannot be undermined. These grains contain nutrients which can help improve the immune system and help you feel fuller for longer. If you want to lose a few pounds without compromising on delicious food, make sure you have your daily dose of lentil soup. It’s wholesome, rich and nutritious. Plus the slow burn provided by the soup is good for the metabolism as well.
  • Fruits are delicious. You can have your fill of fruit without adding too many calories in the diet. Plus fruits are also rich in fibre. Mangoes are seasonal fruits but are so rich in iron and this makes these a must have. A mango smoothie can help keep the huger at bay and also keep you feeling cool and refreshed for a long time. Including a fruit smoothie as a morning breakfast option is an easy way to get a vitamin packed meal in one go. Just toss in fruits of your choice in the blender and add some low fat milk and you can have a delicious milk shake ready in no time. Fruit shakes and smoothies are easy to make and can help you feel energetic throughout the day.
  • Become a protein fan. Eggs are delicious and yummy plus they have loads of good stuff which can help add protein in your diet. Protein should be an essential part of your diet. These are building blocks which are responsible for most of the bodily functions. Those who are vegetarians can get their fill of proteins from a variety of plants.
  • Good carbs are those which burn slowly. Oats, quinoa and brown rice are examples of good carbs. They are a healthier option then most white carbohydrates in the market. These provide the necessary nutrition minus the calories.
  • Calcium is necessary for bone health. The body is not able to make calcium on it own and it should be taken in the form of food or tablets also make sure you get your daily dose of vitamin D in the form of sunlight.

Keeping all these tips in mind would allow you to live a healthy and balanced life. For more nutritional advice, contact nutritionists Gold Coast.

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